Sunday 12 May 2024

Baddington Bridge

Today's Canal - Shropshire Union

Jut before last night's evening meal, Christine slipped on the rear steps down into the cabin and sadly bashed her ribs, making them very painful. After consulting with the top medical expert available to us (ie Google/NHS) we concluded that is likely to be mainly bruising and, in any case, even if an x-ray confirmed something broken, there is little extra that could be done. The advice: take it easy for a few days!

Despite her injured ribs, Christine eventually managed some sleep and we were up and about as usual. It did, however, take a while to get out of the marina! First, we needed to have breakfast! Then, the water tank needed filling - this is best done on the mooring as the service quay does not do drinking water (only that for pump out purposes)

Both neighbours were still quite chatty so even the task of casting off was complicated! At that stage there was a breeze across the water and it felt relatively cool, very pleasant. Moving down to the services did involved taking note of the breeze but it did not make life too difficult. 

Whilst Mike did the usual elsan emptying, Christine organised a replacement gas bottle and some top up to the fuel tank. We had about half full and did not want to end up at the painter carrying more weight than necessary. So we took on just 50l which, hopefully will see us through to Swanley Bridge.

Close to 11 o'clock, we were able to bid Overwater farewell - everyone had treated us in a very friendly way - and re-joined the main canal, heading northwards towards Hack Green. By now we were sheltered from the breeze and it was definitely more than just warm!

Just under an hour to the two Hack Green locks and we could see from some distance that they were busy! The number of boats we passed coming towards us was another clue. In the end when we joined there were three others waiting ahead with one having just entered. There was a steady flow in both directions which helped as one boat prepared the lock for the next in the opposite direction. Most boats had people who were willing to help things along although there are always some who just stand aloof, waiting for someone else to do the hard work. In practice it is a great opportunity to meet other boaters and share experiences. The lady on one boat coming up told us that they were heading down to Wolverhampton and thence to the Severn. 'He' was keen to tackle the Sharpness to Bristol transit - they had done the sea crossing out of Kings Lynn last year.

Eventually we made it down both locks - oddly, the flow south dried up much sooner than the north bound queue could come through.

It was now lunch time so we stopped on a spot marked as a possibility (a little m) on Waterway Routes but with the inevitable Shroppie Shelf and pins required.

After lunch it was still pleasantly hot and we failed entirely to get moving again! The Shelf was only a distraction when boats passed at speed so should be OK later on. We could not remember anywhere better until Acton, beyond Nantwich, and the 'proper' visitor moorings in between were likely to be taken by the time we reached there.

Not a brilliant day for photos - sun was directly in the wrong direction (ie right behind us) and the sky was very hazy, not the bright blue that the temperature might have suggested. Furthermore, this stretch has become rather familiar over the past week or so and we failed to spot any new points of interest.

However, we did conduct one experiment that succeeded - Christine was finding it difficult to step up onto the rear locker to be able to sit and see where we were heading. After an initial quick check using Mike's foot as a small step (make your own pun, if you will) the little fold-up step stool that we bought when grandchildren were small was uncovered in the depths of  a rarely visited cubby hole. It worked just fine.Shame it did not actually cure the injury . . . miracle cures come next!

2.9 Miles - 2 Locks


  1. Poor Christine, I know exactly how that feels! They reckon 6 weeks till the pain goes entirely. We always use arnica cream for bruising, it does seem to help though it may be the placebo effect of course. I hope your weather is better than it is in Devon, it's pouring here (Monday).
    Best wishes, Debby

  2. Christine tells me to say thank you for your sympathy especially as it almost the only recommended treatment! I am said to be doing OK on the TLC. At least she is occasionally moving around and can steer in the locks . . . Weather was very wet first thing but has now paused.
