Sunday 7 July 2024


Today's Canal : Llangollen

We were away a little before ten when the weather was still dry. The rain stayed away and we had a good spell of sunshine for time. However it was chased away by the promised heavy clouds which soon delivered rain, in quantities!

Our only interruption to plain, level cruising today was the single Morris Lift Bridge, notable for having a deck that touches the water level. It comes, in this direction, at  the end of a long straight section so that it is possible to see the bridge for a quarter of an hour before reaching it. We could see a boat ahead that went through after lifting the bridge and we had hopes of a bonus as they appeared to be waiting for us to arrive. A few minutes before we reached it they suddenly closed up. We could see a dog walker go over as soon as possible so we guessed that the boater had been harassed into letting the pedestrian across. This was confirmed later when we passed the boat at a water point and the apologised for not waiting and explained the reason. We told them that we had already guessed and did not blame them! Much the same happened after we re-opened and passed through. This time we knew that the distance boat was perhaps 10 minutes away and a car was waiting to leave the adjoining camp site. So we too had to close up. 

We were now passing Whixall Moss. On several previous trips we have explored the Moss but with intermittent heavy rain, not today!

After Whixall Moss Junction where the short Prees Branch begins, the canal reverts to its more usual winding course. There seemed to be more boats coming towards us than hitherto and we had several times to pull back as a boat charged through, sometimes seemingly oblivious of the issue! One bridge was especially difficult as there were several long term moorings ahead of it and then a work boat left close to the other side. 

We kept trying to test the availability of a mobile phone signal but with little luck. The only time was saw any bars at all was unsuitable for mooring!

Christine has a date with a pharmacist in Ellesmere tomorrow and there is some shopping to do. By lunch time we were passing Blake Mere and rain returned heavily. At least, we thought, we might have a pleasant view of the mere - wrong, all the best spots were already occupied so we came in shortly before with a glimpse of water through the bushes. As we were only about half an hour from Ellesmere we eventually remained here for the afternoon rather than risk arriving and finding no free spaces on the short arm.

8.2 Miles - 0 Locks

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