Sunday 2 July 2023


Today's Canal : Kennet and Avon

We began by moving across the pound below the next lock onto the service pontoon. We emptied our elsan last night so today it was water and rubbish. The pontoon is rather short and, as Mike was doing the move sing-handed (at least to start with) he though it best to reverse onto the pontoon. This meant an almost about turn. It was now rather windy and so the process became rather more of an issue than it ought to have been. Eventually, with Christine's help for the last part, we were tied up and could begin the water fill.

Once all was complete we could begin the ascent of the final six locks of Caen Hill. The observant reader will realise that to do so meant yet aner turn about. There was just enough room!

There was nothing exceptional about these locks. They continue to be quite deep which makes it rather a stretch to pick up the bow and stern topes to hold the boat in position, since we were on our own. We were following other boats so had to turn the locks before they could be entered.

Almost at the top.

Hooray - that's Caen Hill vanquished for this season. Also, the news is coming through that the new gate for Heathy Close and Wootton Rivers has now been delivered and that the repair should be complete towards the end of next week.

No room to stop at the Wharf - clearing up after yesterday's beer festival was well underway.

Sharp bend at London Road (just behind the camera - but you would not have seen the small patch of blue sky)

Mike dropped Christine at Lay Wood Bridge so that she could collect our car from home (just five minutes walk away) and bring it to further along where we hoped to moor and meet up.

Meet up we did but mooring was less easy! This stretch had been fairly empty when we were here two weeks ago but today there was a long line stretching around the corner and beyond a winding hole. We were much further away from the road than we would have liked so limited ourselves to carrying only the essentials - mostly the freezer contents so that we could turn that off. Hopefully, we will find a better space tomorrow.

3.4 Miles - 6 Locks

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