Friday 14 July 2023

Back on Board - But wet

 After nearly two weeks at home, and several appointments later, we are now back on board. With the boat so close at hand, we made various visits in this time, both to take stuff back home, replace with new 'stuff' and also to stock up supplies for the next two weeks. This morning we packed up the fridge and freezer items and delivered them to the boat.

However, by now heavy rain had arrived and Mike was quite wet by the time he had made several trips along the towpath. Our plan had been for Christine to take the car back home and then walk the short distance to Lay Wood Bridge whilst Mike took the boat down to the next winding hole and turn it around - we are currently facing the wrong way.

However, it was looking increasingly likely that the rain would get even worse and that our planned cruising would be put on hold until the morning. So, leaving Christine to finish stowing away our stores, Mike took the car back home, picked up the eggs we had forgotten and then walked back along the towpath to the boat. The towpath in this area is now very overgrown with grasses and other plants having had a great growing season thus far. With the rain making the undergrowth very wet, Mike's trousers were sopping by the time he returned!

The rain continued - changed to the large drop variety rather than just drizzle - so we accepted that we had to stay where we were. It was even so cold that we had to turn on the radiators! High winds are forecast for tomorrow so hopefully we will not be delayed by fallen trees or branches and that the day is not as wet. At least today should have helped with water levels in canals and their reservoirs! Many  are already on drought measures.

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