Friday 5 July 2024

Grindley Brook - almost

Today's Canal : Llangollen

We stayed up late, long enough to see the Exit Poll and the first few results arrive, even if they were not representative of the nation as a whole they did seem to paint a consistent picture. As a result we were not ready to set off this morning until 10 o'clock. Whilst the 'first past the post' system delivered a clear verdict in terms of a government with a majority able to work without endlessly making compromises that emasculate even the best of ideas, the detail that emerged by the time we awoke does seem to hint at darker clouds lurking just beyond the immediate horizon.

Christine walked down to Wrenbury Lift Bridge as short distance from where we moored as she wanted to check in with the mechanic at the boatyard. As promised, he had taken a look at our problem when he arrived for work, could not see any remaining issue and was still of the opinion that we had nothing to worry about. Thanks for your advice and comfort - saved us panicking anyway!

We then came through the lift bridge without any of the difficulties of two years ago when the controls  decided to go on strike at an inopportune moment. Alas, we only held up one lorry and one car on one side and none at all on the other. hardy worth the effort of pushing the buttons!

About twenty minutes later we arrived at the next lift bridge. As this only carries a footpath it is operated with the dreaded hydraulic winding gear. 56 turns up but only 27 down. A boat arrive from the other direction so we waited until it has passed through before closing it.

Thomason's Winding Nole is the only one on the whole network that we know about that has been given a personal name - and we do not have any clue why!

This is the other glamping site that we mentioned yesterday and, no, it is not owned by the same people as the Ranch. This one is a bit older and appears from a distance to be a bit more basic than that we we passed yesterday.

First lock of the day: Marbury and we had a short wait as one boat was waiting below whilst it was emptied. With a boat moored at the end of the lock landing it was not until the first boat had set off into the lock that we could ourselves  come in. Turned out to be the same boat that was difficult last night and it was perhaps just as well that by the time Mike had made it up to the lock that they were about to depart so no time for a conversation anyway.

A longish pound before arriving at Quoisley Lock, the first of three fairly closely grouped together, but all with very different setting. This one is close to a busy country road - always seems to carry noisy boy racers on motorbikes! A single hander was already just starting down so that saved turning the lock unnecessarily. But we did not immediately spot that he had left one paddle half open for us to close!

Willymoor Lock is alongside the eponymous Tavern. In the sunshine the kitchen seemed to be being kept busier than we have seen before.

The bridge at the tail of the lock is a frustrating disappointment to boaters as it does not have an access to the offside of the lock. Hence it does not help to reduce the amount of walking - having opened one gate it is necessary to walk all the way around and over the top gate to open the other. Similar in reverse. A simple gate in the railings of the bridge approach would have been so useful!

And finally before lunch came Povey's Lock, in a more isolated position. A boat arrived just as we reached the top which again was a help so that we could leave it open for them - and they opened the gate for us as well.

A few minutes later we found a secluded spot to moor for lunch. After eating both of us fell asleep with the kettle on the hob ready to make a mug of tea. Fortunately we awoke before it ran completely dry.

In any event, we soon agreed that this was not only a good spot for lunch but also would serve as an overnight stop as well. We were close to the Grindley Brook flight and by now it might be a bit late before we used the service block at the top and then moored - even without the delays that sometime build up here.

5.6 Miles - 4 Locks

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